The old world

May 2023, Sierra de Guara, Spain. Just across the Pyrenees mountains, a natural world filled with birds of all kinds and canyons of all sizes reveals itself. This sierra holds wonder and enchantment…

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The visitors

Halle, June 8th, 2023. Much to our surprise, two visitors came to our terrace (on the third floor and amidst the city) to feed: a young white wagtail and his parent.

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Bluebell country

April 19th, 2023, Halle. The blue-white carpets of anemons and bluebells started to colourize the woods of central Belgium… And the show is on!

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Between land and water

March 21st, 2023. Baraque Fraiture. In the higher part of Belgium, the land is quickly soaked with water, and the fenns deserve their name. A new discovery is the 6-km walk nearby the highway.

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Planetary conjunction

Feb. 28th, 2023. Two bright planets approach each other in the evening sky: Venus and Jupiter are on their way to their closest approach of the year. Such a configuration occurs roughly every 13 months. The minimum angular separation will reach about the size of the diameter of the full Moon on March, 2nd. Venus has an apparent magnitude of ~ -4 mag while Jupiter has an apparent magnitude of ~ -2 mag. This means that both are visible to the naked eye and that Venus appears much brighter than Jupiter. Aligned with Jupiter’s equator, you may also distinguish its four moons. March 02, 2023. The two planets switched relative positions in the evening sky. Conjunction has passed! Both photos were taken with a Nikon D5 and 500 mm/f5.6 lens.

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Just after winter

February 15th, East of Belgium. The winter brought cold and snow, but the changes are just now detectable. In the morning, the deer came out of the woodland to eat in the warming sunlight. Late afternoon, the cranes passed by on their way to the North…

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The old canal

Jan. 8th. Hiking past the industrial site of Forges de Clabecq situated along the old canal Charleroi – Brussels, we detected the ancient geological layers suitably named “Tubize rock”…

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December 26-28, 2023. In search for colour in the rainy winter landscape…

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