Category Archives: travel, Spain

Wild sierra’s of Aragón

May 15th, 2024. One of the many emblematic sites of the Sierra de Guara is named Los Pacos de Morrano, close to the village of Morrano. The stunning rock wall is home to many bird species, including swallows and different … Continue reading

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The old world

May 2023, Sierra de Guara, Spain. Just across the Pyrenees mountains, a natural world filled with birds of all kinds and canyons of all sizes reveals itself. This sierra holds wonder and enchantment…

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La Palma skies: our next exhibition

August 25, 2022. We welcome you to our second exhibition about the island of La Palma and its impressive views from the summit, both in day and at night. The photographic exhibition will be part of the activities proposed during … Continue reading

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The volcan of San Antonio

July 28th, Fuencalientes, La Palma. Final excursion after the observational work at the Observatory of Roque de los Muchachos: the Southern tip shows the young age of the island, with volcanos emerging from the ocean after having erupted during the previous century, El Teneguia, seen from … Continue reading

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El Tendal, a museum about the way of life of the Benahoaritas

July 28th, 2019, El Tendal, La Palma. First visit to a splendid exhibition which is presented in the museum of El Tendal, opposite the cave which gave its name. Love the pretty design of the panels telling about the way of life of … Continue reading

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Amidst the banana plantations, San Andrès

July 28th, 2019, San Andrès, La Palma. A day of leisure and colourful encounters during the visit of the pittoresk coastal town of San Andrès (Los Sauces) amidst the banana plantations…

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Photo-N(ature), the new exhibition is ready

Jan, 26th, Vilvoorde. The third exhibition of Photo-N is ready for visiting. The photographs that we present to the public are selected among the ones we discussed during the year. Only the best ones survive the final round. Enjoy this new exhibition by the … Continue reading

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Pyrenees, anno 2017

Dec 1st, 2018. Just because we like them: a composite image of some of the finest images taken in the Pyrenees mountains, all taken in Spain during our holidays in 2017. One glance, one happy summer!  

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