Category Archives: landscapes

La Calestienne

June 25th, 2022, Nismes, Viroinval. To the South of Belgium, some impressive karstic formations can be found on the “tiennes”, i.e. the top of the local hills.

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January 2022. Winter is present on the high plateau of Belgium…

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Late departures

Dec. 30th, 2021, East-Belgium. Although the main part of this year’s crane migration occurred months ago, small groups still undertake the journey to sunny Spain. Coming from Scandinavia or Northern Germany, these birds may stop here to rest and feed. … Continue reading

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Beavers at work

Dec. 26, 2021, Belgian Ardennes. Fallen trees, stacks of branches in the river, fresh woodwork, all these are evidence for inhabiting beavers… White egret and grey heron are also present in this natural chaos fed by the wild waters of … Continue reading

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The Belgian heights

Oct. 31st, 2021, High Fens. A short, intense walk in the high moors region with the wind, clouds and bright forest colours brought us the feeling of autumn.

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Digitalis, digitoxine en digitaline…

July 12 – 22, 2021, High Fens, East-Belgium. The colour of the summer is purple as the digitalis flowers abound this year. And the white peat moss is also present…

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The highlands

High Fens, April-May, 2021. The highland-scapes of East Belgium…

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In the fields

June, 4th, Gaasbeek, Belgium. Staying close-by, and watching the fields of Flanders..

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