Tag Archives: forest

The frozen forest

Jan. 11th, 2023, East of Belgium. Heavy frost and thick mist came over the land. The forest seems to be in an ever lasting sleepy state…

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Waterpainting in wintertime

Dec 31st, 2023 – Jan 01, 2024, East of Belgium. The quietness of the land stands in sharp contrast with the loudness of the running water…

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Small birds world

2023, Sep. 11th, Rochefort. After two days of science outreach during the hot days of the Open Doors at the Humain radio-astronomy station, stepping into the world of small birds was very refreshing…

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Wild mushrooms

Oct.-Nov. 2022, forests from France and Belgium. Wild mushrooms found in the woodlands lend their colours to quietly ingressing autumn…

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Beavers at work

Dec. 26, 2021, Belgian Ardennes. Fallen trees, stacks of branches in the river, fresh woodwork, all these are evidence for inhabiting beavers… White egret and grey heron are also present in this natural chaos fed by the wild waters of … Continue reading

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The Belgian heights

Oct. 31st, 2021, High Fens. A short, intense walk in the high moors region with the wind, clouds and bright forest colours brought us the feeling of autumn.

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Spring in sight

March 28th, 2021, Brabant wallon. The wild flowers are first to bring their vivid colours into the otherwise pale wood. Spring is announced with the yellow lilies.

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