Monthly Archives: August 2024

Early day

Rocherath, Belgium, Aug. 29th, 2024. After an early start of the day, we headed to the border where we had spotted a red kite family a few weeks ago. With the farmer harvesting the fields, much to our astonishment, we … Continue reading

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Dressed in purple

July 2024, East-Belgium. The purple digitalis purpurea can be seen in large numbers almost everywhere this year, amidst the forest and, most of all, in every clearing or broad path.

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The old mountain

Kelmis (La Calamine), July 11th, 2024. The museum of “Vieille Montagne” or “Altenberg” tells the story of the extraction of zinc from the old mountain. A short stroll from there brings you to the riverbank where the ore was washed … Continue reading

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