Author Archives: Patricia

Wild mushrooms

Oct.-Nov. 2022, forests from France and Belgium. Wild mushrooms found in the woodlands lend their colours to quietly ingressing autumn…

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The great migration

High Fens of Belgium, Nov. 12-13, 2022. Weather conditions are fine, the atmosphere stable. The great migration is ongoing, more than 26000 cranes (Grus grus) were signalled on a single day travelling from Diepholz, Germany, to the North of Spain. … Continue reading

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High points of the Vosges

Oct. 6 – 9, Vosges, East of France. Autumscapes and wildlife from a very short stay, with an inspiring start at Haut-du-Tôt…

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Peaceful landscape

Sep. 12, 2022, East of Belgium. Fifteen days after the discovery of the marsh gentian, we return to the place where we first saw it, and we found it. The mood is peaceful as the landscape around us is…

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Wild flowers of the moors

Aug. – Sept., 2022, East of Belgium. Wild flowers come and go quickly, they must be captured at their best. Also, if you plan to come to the Open Doors at the Royal Observatory of Belgium on Sept. 24 – … Continue reading

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La Palma skies: our next exhibition

August 25, 2022. We welcome you to our second exhibition about the island of La Palma and its impressive views from the summit, both in day and at night. The photographic exhibition will be part of the activities proposed during … Continue reading

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Go East

July 2022, East of Belgium. We like this: high moors, rough bushes, green forests, steep hills… so many wild environments to explore!

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La Calestienne

June 25th, 2022, Nismes, Viroinval. To the South of Belgium, some impressive karstic formations can be found on the “tiennes”, i.e. the top of the local hills.

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