Tag Archives: East-Belgium

Wild flower time

April, 6-8th, 2024, East of Belgium. This is the moment of the wild flowers covering the bottom of the valleys and the humid meadows. Suddenly, all secret places are filled with people coming to enjoy the natural spectacle.

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The frozen forest

Jan. 11th, 2023, East of Belgium. Heavy frost and thick mist came over the land. The forest seems to be in an ever lasting sleepy state…

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The frozen lake

Jan. 10th, 2024, High Moors of Belgium. Heavy frost and thick mist has put everything into an imperturbable state. Lakes, rivers and plants have cristallized.

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Waterpainting in wintertime

Dec 31st, 2023 – Jan 01, 2024, East of Belgium. The quietness of the land stands in sharp contrast with the loudness of the running water…

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Moors and pools

August 10th, 2023, East-Belgium. The small creatures that populate the sweet-water pools of the Belgian high moors during summer have glassy and shining appearances, but aren’t easy to photograph. You need patience and a high-speed focusing unit to be succesful.

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Between land and water

March 21st, 2023. Baraque Fraiture. In the higher part of Belgium, the land is quickly soaked with water, and the fenns deserve their name. A new discovery is the 6-km walk nearby the highway.

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Just after winter

February 15th, East of Belgium. The winter brought cold and snow, but the changes are just now detectable. In the morning, the deer came out of the woodland to eat in the warming sunlight. Late afternoon, the cranes passed by … Continue reading

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The great migration

High Fens of Belgium, Nov. 12-13, 2022. Weather conditions are fine, the atmosphere stable. The great migration is ongoing, more than 26000 cranes (Grus grus) were signalled on a single day travelling from Diepholz, Germany, to the North of Spain. … Continue reading

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